Online Conference: 24th- 25th November 2021
Panel Discussion hosted by ISCM: 8h-10h30 AM (UTC+7)
Link (Zoom): https://bit.ly/3xgN8Lf
Under the program of the 1st Conference on Asian Inclusive Smart Cities in the Post Covid 19 Arena, the panel discussion with the theme: “Overview of Smart City Development in Vietnam - Challenges and Opportunities” will be hosted by UEH - ISCM with partners on November 24, 2021.
“The 1st Conference on Asian Inclusive Smart Cities in the Post Covid 19 Arena” is a conference that discusses the vision of Asian smart cities of the post-COVID world. At this conference, based on open democratic communication, we will discuss the idea, way of thinking, technology, and methodologies from various angles to realize an “Asian smart city” that includes various people with different cultures, religions, values, etc.