⭐In 2024, the world’s largest sporting event, the Paris Olympics, selected Saint Ouen as the residence for participating athletes, also known as the Olympic Village. This has turned the city of Saint Ouen into a case study, enabling research and experience-sharing through the data collected from residents’ feedback, ultimately leading to the formulation of suitable development strategies.
🏸The Institute of Smart City and Management (University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City), in collaboration with Audencia Business School (France), is organizing a workshop and designathon: Digital Cities Challenges. This designathon provides an opportunity to access the latest data from local insights gathered in Saint Ouen. Not only will students get a multi-disciplinary perspective to develop strategies based on existing data, but they will also learn and practice using interactive software to create images and videos. Through these tools, they will enhance the persuasiveness of their proposed strategies by employing the most creative and effective storytelling methods.
Time and Date: October 8 - October 14, 2024
Location UEH Campus V | 232/6 Vo Thi Sau, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City
Registration Links: https://forms.gle/J1qwAZroraVGxmCM6
🌆Expand your perspective from specialized knowledge to a holistic view to formulate cross-disciplinary urban development strategies.
🌆Collaborate with a multinational, multicultural team, from strategy development to delivering a practical prototype.
🌆Implement projects through digital technology.
🌆Network with experts and peers from France via online connections.
🌆Receive a certificate upon program completion.
🌆Engage in advanced research with guidance from instructors post-workshop.
🌆Attend lectures from professors at international universities.
Eligibility: Open to students from all disciplines at UEH. Proficiency in English is advantageous.
☀️Registration Deadline: September 19, 2024
☀️Interview Deadline: September 22, 2024
☀️Announcement of List: September 24, 2024
Register now!