3.5 years
BAUD is designed to international standards and provides expertise in a wide range of fields such as landscape architecture, transportation and infrastructure, economics, society, environment, and technology relating to architectural and urban design for inclusive smart cities.
Upon graduation, students are qualified to perform well in various organizations in different sectors or pursue further education with a master’s degree program.
The Dual Degree Program has a great combination of progressive curricular and collaborative learning environment. Participate in this program, students are bound to develope their creativity, art, and innovative ability. This is an opportunity to study abroad with economical costs, to study about Architecture, creative urban planning in the top smart city in the world.
Founded in 1883, University of Auckland (Waipapa Taumata Rau) is one of the greatest university in New Zealand, with more than 40,000 students. According to QS World University Sustainability Rankings, the Auckland University has become to world top sustainable university.
Auckland City is a modern, diverse-cultural city, which is known as a good destination for international students. Located in the North of New Zealand, Auckland has the combination beauty of the Western Architecture and natural landscape. These two aspects has been blended well with a smart urban planning strategy.